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/ Best of Shareware / Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso / pc / dos / programg / ultra250

Jump To: Text (29)  |  Other (9)

Text (29)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
enqhelp.doc Text File 244 14KB 1992-11-10
readme.now Text File 161 8KB 1992-12-08
shadow.c Text File 251 10KB 1992-11-12
str_demo.c Text File 488 20KB 1992-11-12
tutor.hlp Text File 49 2KB 1992-10-29
uw_dbg.h C/C++ Source or Header 322 18KB 1992-10-11
uw_demo.c Text File 1,306 45KB 1992-11-12
uw_globx.h Text File 78 4KB 1992-09-20
uw_help0.hlp Text File 435 26KB 1992-11-13
uw_help1.hlp Text File 715 31KB 1992-11-03
uw_help2.hlp Text File 766 24KB 1992-11-03
uw_help3.hlp Text File 666 23KB 1992-11-03
uw_help4.hlp Text File 636 27KB 1992-11-03
uw_help5.hlp Text File 733 31KB 1992-11-03
uw_help6.hlp Text File 512 22KB 1992-11-13
uw_keys.h Text File 166 5KB 1992-09-08
uw_proto.h Text File 347 14KB 1992-10-25
uw_tut1.c Text File 44 2KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut10.c Text File 531 22KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut2.c Text File 64 4KB 1992-11-13
uw_tut3.c Text File 73 4KB 1992-11-13
uw_tut4.c Text File 95 5KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut5.c Text File 255 11KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut6.c Text File 388 15KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut7.c Text File 444 17KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut8.c Text File 490 19KB 1992-11-02
uw_tut9.c Text File 565 21KB 1992-11-02
uw.h Text File 441 17KB 1992-11-03
uw250.ver Text File 2 33b 1992-11-10

Other Files (9)
enqhelp.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 71KB 1992-11-10
prt_help.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1992-11-12
tckbd.com MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-08-01
uw_demo.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 54KB 1992-11-12
uwms.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 52KB 1992-11-12
uwmsd.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 69KB 1992-11-12
uwts.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 60KB 1992-12-07
uwtsd.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 80KB 1992-11-12
8x14icon.fnt Unknown 4KB 1992-02-02